The National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) aims to improve prehospital care for acutely ill and injured children. The PPRP is led by the federal EMSC Program along with more than 30 national organizations and stakeholders. Check out this overview.
Assessment (now closed)
The first national PPRP Assessment launched in May 2024 and ended July 2024. The assessment evaluates an EMS or fire-rescue agency’s ability to provide high-quality care for children based on national recommendations on prehospital pediatric emergency care. Learn more about the assessment.
The PPRP Checklist is based on the 2020 joint policy statement “Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems.” The joint policy statement is co-authored by the Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), and National Association of EMTs (NAEMT).
The PPRP Toolkit is organized by seven domains: 1) education and competencies; 2) equipment and supplies; 3) patient and medication safety; 4) patient- and family-centered care; 5) policies, procedures, and protocols; 6) quality and process improvement; and 7) interactions with systems of care. The toolkit is intended to assist prehospital emergency care professionals with enhancing their understanding and achieving the components of pediatric readiness in the prehospital setting. The tools and resources align with the 2020 joint policy statement and technical report, “Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems.”