An emergency department pediatric emergency care champion, also known as a PECC, is a designated liaison who champions pediatric emergency care in the hospital or stand alone ED setting. A PECC can be a nurse, physician, or advanced practice provider. Their responsibilities can include the following:
- Ensures that the pediatric perspective is included in ED policies and protocols
- Promotes pediatric training opportunities
- Ensures availability and correct use of pediatric medications and equipment
- Promoting hospital and ED participation in pediatric-related prevention programs
- Ensures disaster plans address the needs of children
- Collaborates with local emergency medical services PECC(s)
- Promotes family-centered care
- Addresses the care of children with special healthcare needs
Hospital EDs are encouraged to have a physician and nurse PECC.
EMSC innovation and improvement center
What is a PECC?
Learn more about the role of a PECC, sample job descriptions, and fast facts
EMSC Innovation and improvement center
PECC Webpage
Learn about the the role of a PECC, why it is important, and explore resources to establish a PECC in your ED
EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center and Pediatric Pandemic Network
Hospital-Based PECC Module Series
Learn more about pediatric emergency care coordinators(PECCs)/pediatric champions in the ED and how they impact each domain of pediatric readiness. Certificate of completion available for each module.
EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center
PECC Workforce Development Collaborative
Explore the roles, responsibilities, and skill set of an effective PECC and identify strategies to strengthen the role within your ED
Lapel Pin
A lapel pin was developed to recognize individuals championing pediatric emergency care in the hospital or stand alone ED setting in Florida. The lapel pin is intended to enhance engagement in pediatric readiness efforts and increase the number of PECCs throughout the state. If you are a new ED PECC, email pedready@jax.ufl.edu to request your lapel pin.