Emergency Department Pediatric Emergency Care Champion


An emergency department pediatric emergency care champion, also known as a PECC, is a designated liaison who champions pediatric emergency care in the hospital or stand alone ED setting. A PECC can be a nurse, physician, or advanced practice provider. Their responsibilities can include the following:

  • Ensures that the pediatric perspective is included in ED policies and protocols
  • Promotes pediatric training opportunities
  • Ensures availability and correct use of pediatric medications and equipment
  • Promoting hospital and ED participation in pediatric-related prevention programs
  • Ensures disaster plans address the needs of children
  • Collaborates with local emergency medical services PECC(s)
  • Promotes family-centered care
  • Addresses the care of children with special healthcare needs

Hospital EDs are encouraged to have a physician and nurse PECC.


EMSC innovation and improvement center

What is a PECC?

Learn more about the role of a PECC, sample job descriptions, and fast facts

EMSC Innovation and improvement center

PECC Webpage

Learn about the the role of a PECC, why it is important, and explore resources to establish a PECC in your ED

EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center and Pediatric Pandemic Network

Hospital-Based PECC Module Series

Learn more about pediatric emergency care coordinators(PECCs)/pediatric champions in the ED and how they impact each domain of pediatric readiness. Certificate of completion available for each module.